
Sabtu, 16 September 2017

Consumer Behavior (Perilaku Konsumen)

Matematika (
Fakultas Mate,atika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (
Institut Pertanian Bogor (

Consumer Behavior Class
Departemen of Family and Consumer Science (
College of Human Ecology (
Institutu Pertanian Bogor

Nama Dosen :
1. Prof.Dr.Ir. UJANG SUMARWAN, M.Sc (,,
2. Dr. Lilik Noor Yuliati, MFSA
3. Dr. Ir. Megawati simanjuntak, MS

4. Ir. Retnaningsih, MS
5. Ir. Md djamaluddin, MSc

Ujang Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia.

Consumers are about users,buyers and price taker. They find information to compare something. The term consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of product and services that they expect will satisfy their needs. Professor sumawan gives conclusion that consumer behavior is all activity, act and psychological proses to buy, use and to complete a product. There is consumer Private and Organization. Private Consumer is buy something to use by self or maybe to make gift. Organization consumer is business organization, foundation, social form e.t.c that they have to buy product to make all activity in their organization.
Consumer behavior appear because consumers have same activity and different activity.  Consumer in the whole world wear same dress and accessories. Globalization make it happen. Goverment must know about consumer behavior because they must educate and protect consumers. Consumer decision model is about how consumers buy and consume something have several teps; acquaintance,seeking information, alternative evaluation, process of buying and satisfaction. Characterictics of consumer that influence process of decision consumer are religion, need, personality, perception, process of studying, knowledge and attitude. 
Consumers have motivation to do something that they want to do. Goal oriented behavior is fullfil their needs. Maslow was classify five human needs. They are physiological or biogenic needs, safety needs, social needs, egoistic or esteem needs and need for selfactualization. . Maslow’s theory used to do segmentation market and positioning product. Key word of positioning is perception consumer to a product. David McClelland  wrote McClelland’s Theory of Learned Needs. There is three basic needs in this theory, needs for achievement, needs for affiliation and needs for power.

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